This is my final post and I would like to say how much I have enjoyed this course, I can definitely say Media is my favourite subject. Hope you enjoy my work and my groups music video.
This blog is now closed.
Monday, 9 May 2011
Final Post
Posted by Emily Bowe at Monday, May 09, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Final Post
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Evaluation Question One
1) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (Part 1)
The still shots on the left is of our music video but the still shots on the right hand side are of other artists music videos which we were inspired by.
Above are nine still shots from our music video and other artists music videos that we have been inspired from. (Click the image to enlarge)
1. Taylor Swifts video for 'Belong With Me' inspired our narrative and our location as it is set in the female protagonist bedroom, we decided that we wanted our artist to be getting ready and she would be performing in her bedroom. We felt that the audience would be able to connect with the artist because the pop genre is targeted at a young female audience and they are able to relate to the narrative. From watching Taylor Swifts video we realised that the artist performing in her bedroom gained a comical feel and it is also shows social realism.
2. The second frame is from Kate Nash- 'Foundations', the video uses an editing technique called stop motion which we felt would suit our music video. The director in 'Foundations' used stop motion to portray the unstable relationship between the couple. However, in our music video we used stop motion editing to show the fickle minds of teenagers which is presented by the different nail polish colours.
3. Shot three is from B.O.B ft Hayley Williams - 'Airplanes', the use of the projector inspired us to create a similar background for our music video. In 'Airplanes' there are moving sequences of stars which reflects the lyrics well "Can we pretend that airplanes in the night skies are like shooting stars". We used a combination of still and moving images on our projector, though in 'Airplanes' they only used moving images. In our music video we liked that the audience could create different interpretations by the use of the projector such as the purple fields could represent freedom and growing up through the blossoming of the flowers.
4. Our music video is similar to Alexis Jordan- 'Good Girl', as they are both performance base music videos. Also, both music videos use the same backgrounds such as the artist performing in front of a black and a white background which makes the video seem more sophisticated. There is fast pace editing in our music video and in the 'Good Girl' music video, through the fast pace editing we were able to change the artists make up and her clothes which is often seen in music videos from the pop genre.
5. In Alexandra Burkes music video 'The Silence' the narrative and performance is set so that Alexandra Burke seems like she is in a photo shoot, we felt that this made the audience connect with the artist as they feel like they are at the photo shoot. In our music video we wanted the audience to connect with the artist by the flashing lights on the artist in the mid shot and the extreme close up shot. It could be interpreted that the artist is getting ready to perform or she is at a photo shoot.
6. The sixth still shot is from Sia- 'Breathe Me' the photographs in 'Breathe Me' shows the artist in different places in the house and the artists movement. For the seventeen opening beats in our music video we wanted to use seventeen photographs showing the artist growing up, which fits with the idea of time and how quickly the youth of today grow up.
7. In our music video we wanted to show that our artist is an established performer, from watching Keri Hilson- 'Slow Dance' we was influenced to use an iPhone to introduce the song which creates synergy as we used a photograph of the artist to make the audience recognise the artist.
8. In Jessie J- 'Nobodys Perfect' clocks are used to show that the artist wants to go back in time to change certain events, in 'Nobodys Perfect' the clocks are used to taunt the artist and it shows that the events keeps playing in her mind. However, in our music video we are representing how quickly time passes.
9. The ninth still shot is from Labrinth- 'Let The Sunshine' we liked the close up silhouette shot of the artist as it adds mystery to the artist and the meaning of the song. We thought that we could use a similar shot would suit our music video as the heart silhouette has a dream affect, which portrays that love is a desire of hers which reflects the theme of growing up.
10. The still shot on the right is from Lady GaGa- 'Just Dance', in the still shot one of the extras writes on a mirror Dance which fits with the lyrics in the song. In our music video we decided to make the performer write a lyric of the song on a steamed mirror.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Thursday, May 05, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Evaluation
Evaluation Question Two
Posted by Emily Bowe at Thursday, May 05, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Evaluation
Evaluation Question Three
3) What did you learn from your audience feedback?
From the viewing of our music video we received great audience feedback and we feel that we have learnt a great deal from our feedback, here are some of the following comments:
To get a better understanding of our audience feedback we asked 10 people to complete a scoring questionnaire of 8 topics of our music video. Lip-syncing, Editing on Beat, Narrative, Colourful, Success of projected background, Stop Motion, Mise en Scene, Enjoyment. Here are the results of our responses in the formation of a bar chart.
Media Audience Feedback
Overall from analysing our audience feedback we have learnt we were successful in producing a music video with precise lip syncing, however we learnt our audience would prefer to have more of a narrative in the video because they were interested to know what happens next, also because the pop genre is targeted towards young females who are able to relate to the female protagonist in the video. At the beginning of the course we constructed a questionnaire to gain information from our audience preferences for a pop genre video. From this we learnt that the audience preferred a performance based video as they enjoyed seeing the artist, however from comparing the feedback received before the video and the feedback received after the video viewing, we may have conformed to a performance based video too much because it was commented that the audience would have preferred to see more of a narrative video.
From the feedback received it was clear that the audience enjoyed the fast paced editing, especially of the photographs at the beginning of the video because the shots were edited to the best of the music. We learnt that this was successful because the photographs represented the theme of our video, 'Time'; a girl growing up and the change in time. We learnt that the mise-en-scene of the video was important for informing the audience of the pop genre. From the bar chart it is clear that the mise-en-scene was well received by the audience because the artist changed costume and make up throughout the video similar to Alexis Jordan's 'Good Girl' video. This made the video appear professional along with the studio lights in the photography room of the extreme close up shots.
Therefore we learnt how important the mise-en-scene is in a pop video from the original questionnaires aimed at the audience. We are pleased that from the following feedback we achieved successful mise-en-scene and from the bar chart and questionnaire we have learnt that our music video was well received and enjoyed by our audience.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Thursday, May 05, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Evaluation
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
Evaluation Question Four
Posted by Emily Bowe at Wednesday, May 04, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Evaluation
Monday, 11 April 2011
Time Speeding Up
This is a video of the clock speeding up on Final Cut Express which was quite difficult to do. We used this clip in order to convey the idea of time passing by quickly when Michaela is changing.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Monday, April 11, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Clock Shot
New Opening Kaylas Photos
This is the new opening that we filmed with Kayla's photos instead of the wedding album that we had previously. This is because this idea made more sense with the narrative of our video being the female protagonist growing up and how quickly time passes.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Monday, April 11, 2011 0 comments
Labels: New Opening
Thursday, 31 March 2011
First Completed Music Video Draft
We finally have an ending to our music video, however we still have a lot to do in terms of tidying the editing to make sure it is completely on time. We also want to make a few changes such as:
- Where the shot zooms into the door and then back out again to show a change in time as Michaela has changed into a dress, we want to change to a clock. We will film the clock passing time and then make the shot faster on clip adjustments.
- The photos at the beginning also need to be changed. We have decided to change them to photos of Michaela as a baby and growing up in each photo to show how quickly time goes by and to show that she is now a teenager to relate to the song title 'Teenage Dream' and this will make our narrative clearer to the audience.
- Where there are jump cuts also need to have sharper editing to go to the beat of the song.
- Where there is stock animation with her nail varnish changing colour and her hand moving, we want to include more colours. This is because after showing it to someone, this was the feedback they gave us and we agree that it will make the editing better.
- We may also change a few shots around
- The beginning where the music is played also needs to be longer to make it clear to the audience what it is.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Thursday, March 31, 2011 0 comments
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Change of Photos
We have decided to change our opening photos for out video. Instead of having photos from a photo album, we are using photos of Michaela with friends, in the same dress she is changing into in the video. This is so it looks like she is getting ready to go out somewhere and seeing as we are not using a narrative in our video anymore, the new opening will make more sense.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Tuesday, March 29, 2011 0 comments
Labels: New Opening
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Behind the Scenes Hair
This is a video we edited when we styled Michaela's hair:
Posted by Emily Bowe at Sunday, March 13, 2011 0 comments
Changed Video Idea
When we were watching our video back so far, we noticed that the narrative was quite confusing, and it was unclear as to what was happening in the video. Michaela showed it to her sister, and without knowing what the narrative was about, she was confused as to what was happening. With this in mind, we have decided to make the video all performance. This is mostly what Pop videos are anyway so we do not mind changing it. I think in order to make it interesting though, we need a lot of different camera shots and angles, different locations, and different costumes. We already have most of these elements anyway. The video below is an example of a performance video, so we could use some of the ideas from this video:
This is our storybaord for our changed video idea:
Posted by Emily Bowe at Sunday, March 13, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Changed Video Idea, Storyboarding
Monday, 7 March 2011
Second Magazine Advert Draft
This is my second magazine advert draft. I am not sure that I like this one I think I prefer the other one because I think it looks more like an album advertisement whereas this one does not seem to stand out very much. I think the same image is quite boring and I do not think the writing is very clear, even though I have put a border around it. So I think I prefer using a different image and then the album image because it looks more like an advertisement.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Monday, March 07, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Second Magazine Advert Draft
First Draft of Magazine Advert
This is my first draft of a magazine advert. I have used a different image to the one on the album cover and have used a pink border similar to the album cover to keep the theme going to it is recognisable to the audience. I have used the same style font as the one on the album cover as well to show some similarity. I have used a different font for the record label and the website because it was unclear in the other font.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Monday, March 07, 2011 0 comments
Labels: First Draft of Magazine Advert
Album Advert Analysis
I found this advert online and it is a Pop advert album release. In this advert, the image of the artist is a close up image of the album cover. So I am thinking of creating my magazine advert like this as many adverts use the same idea. However the magazine advert that I found of Katy Perry, uses a different image of her to her album cover. So I might try out both ideas and see which one I prefer. Either way I am going to show a smaller image of the album cover.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Monday, March 07, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Album Advert Analysis
Saturday, 5 March 2011
Music Video Draft
This is what we have edited so far for our music video:
We used a projector in the background which has worked quite effectively because it makes the video more interesting to watch.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Saturday, March 05, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Music Video Draft
Friday, 4 March 2011
Magazine Advert Analysis
This is some analysis that we did in class:
Posted by Emily Bowe at Friday, March 04, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Magazine Advert Analysis
Thursday, 3 March 2011
Advertisement Analysis
Posted by Emily Bowe at Thursday, March 03, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Advertisement Analysis
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Conventions of a Music Advertisement
- Release date
- Image to represent the band/artist/photographs/graphics
- Album name and information
- Record label
- Website
- Reviews or ratings
- Same image as album cover- synergy
- Record labels logo
- Tracks featured
- Slogan/tagline
- Quotes from newspapers
- Product content
- Magazine reviews/endorsements-smash hits
- Tour dates
- Outlets in which available e.g. HMV, Amazon
- Limited edition
- "Out now"/"debut album"
- Offers free download
Posted by Emily Bowe at Wednesday, March 02, 2011 0 comments
Saturday, 26 February 2011
Conventions of a promotion advert

This is another example: Chris Brown is on the cover, but this is slightly different as his face is not shown just a long shot of him from the side. The subtitle is a rhetorical question and his name is smaller than this. This may indicate that he too is well known so the advertisers did not think he needed his name big in order to be recognised. His clothes match the colour scheme of the magazine in order to stand out. As his genre is Pop the colour purple is used because it is both a masculine and a feminine colour as he is a male Pop artist.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Saturday, February 26, 2011 0 comments
Album Promotion-Magazines
These magazines above are promoting the artists by having an image of them and then a title saying number one artist. This will make the readers want to but the magazine and then it may persuade them to buy the album by the artist.
This magazine has a pink background which represents the Pop genre and Katy Perry is dressed with flowers on her to show her quirky style. Her name is in bold which will persuade her fans to buy the magazine. On the website for Billboard magazine it gives a bit of information about the magazine which is below:
Katy Perry has landed the cover of the latest issue of Billboard Magazine to promote her upcoming sophomore album Teenage Dream.
The extensive accompanying article goes into a lot of detail about Katy’s plans, chatting to the singer herself, her record label and her various managers, who all make one thing very clear: The goal with Teenage Dream is to turn Katy Perry from a singles artist to an album artist.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Saturday, February 26, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Album Promotion-Magazines
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Teenage Dream Research

Posted by Emily Bowe at Wednesday, February 16, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Teenage Dream Research
Take Me Out
After watching this weeks episode of Take Me Out, I noticed that there was a man at the end that also dressed as a woman. The fact that all the women turned their lights off when they saw this transformation shows that maybe society still does not accept this especially in terms of dating. This is what our narrative is about for our music video, but with ours the boy keeps this identity secret from his girlfriend which again represents the fact that he is hiding from society and is afraid of showing his true identity.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Wednesday, February 16, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Narrative, Take Me Out
Thursday, 10 February 2011
Posted by Emily Bowe at Thursday, February 10, 2011 0 comments
Labels: CD Digipak
Album Cover Draft
I think I am going to use this one because the colour pink fades out to purple and her eyes look brighter so it makes her stand out more. The writing is also clearer.
I think the pink is too bold in this photo, although it is quite similar to the one above I still prefer the one above.

Posted by Emily Bowe at Thursday, February 10, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Possible Album Cover Idea
Feedback on Album Cover
After some audience feedback, most of them said that they liked it, but it could have some changes made to make it clearer:
Some people said that they was not sure about the border. However I think I might keep the border because it represents the Pop genre as it is pink and girly. Whereas if I left it plain and without a border, I do not think it would stand out. I might however, make the writing stand out a bit more because it is a little bit unclear.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Thursday, February 10, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Feedback on Album Cover
Album Cover Draft
This is my first draft of my album cover I am going to do some research to see whether or not I am going to keep it. I have asked for some audience feedback, one person said from looking at it straight away they thought it looked like Adele's album cover. So this is conforming to the Pop genre but I am still unsure of whether to keep it yet. I am unsure of the font and colour as to whether it is visible or not:
Posted by Emily Bowe at Thursday, February 10, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Possible Album Cover Idea
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
The image I was going to base my album cover on is this one below:

Posted by Emily Bowe at Wednesday, February 09, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Comparison of Photos
Katy Perry Merchandise
Katy Perry has recently launched her new perfume called 'Purr'. This shows that she is a popular artist as there are a lot of fans there to see her launch the perfume.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Wednesday, February 09, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Katy Perry Merchandise
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
Digipak Photos
When we were filming today, we also took photos which we are going to use for our digipaks. We still need to take some more as I want a few of Michaela in different outfits and make up. We now need to photo shop the photos to add effects for our digipak designs. I have made a collage of some of the photos we took today:
I like the images of Michaela looking down as it shows the make up and it looks really bold and bright which represents the genre. I wanted photos of her eyes particularly for my album cover. I got a few but I think I am going to take some more because they were a bit out of focus and I want some with pink or purple eyeshadow instead of blue.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Tuesday, February 08, 2011 0 comments
Labels: CD Digipak, Digipak Photos
Today we filmed the performance parts of our video. We used the projector to put pictures in the background. At first we did not know if this would work because we thought the light would hide Michaela's face. However some of the images looked really effective. We used colours like pinks and purples to represent the Pop genre. We also used the photography room for a plain black background so that we have different locations and still shots. We used the cloth in the picture below which is the same background we used for our opening shots because we think this will be a good transition.
I think the make up is really good it turned out how we wanted it to look. We used the blue to match the dress and we used the diamonds which is good as it will represent the band name- Crystal Rox. We now want to change the outfit and use different coloured eyeshadow for the next shots so we have Michaela in different outfits to make it more interesting for the audience. The colours we want are pinks and purples again to represent the Pop genre.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Tuesday, February 08, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Filming
Monday, 7 February 2011
Digipak Presentation
Posted by Emily Bowe at Monday, February 07, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Dipipak Ideas
Thursday, 3 February 2011
Meeting- 02/02/11
Today we had a meeting to finalise our shots and to make sure we had what we wanted. We are also going to film around my house to make sure we have everything because we have to refilm some shots that we were not happy with.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Thursday, February 03, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Production Log- Meeting Log
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Digipak Ideas

Posted by Emily Bowe at Tuesday, February 01, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Dipipak Ideas
Possible Album Cover Idea
I quite like the idea of having Michaela on the front cover with as a close up of her face and to incorporate the artist's name 'Crystal Rox' I was going to make her eyes almost crystallized. I was hoping I could use photo shop for this but I'm unsure of whether this will work or not. I also

I quite like this picture because of the colour which could represent Pop and the swirly patterns could represent 'Crystal Rox' as some parts look like crystals. This is what I would like to try with Michaela's eyes but I don't know if it will be possible to do yet.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Tuesday, February 01, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Possible Album Cover Idea
Album Name
I used the song name generator to try and think of an album name to put on my digipak cover. I used the common word 'love' in the title because I think this represents the music genre as well as the storyline. Below are the list of names it came up with:
Love Is Everywhere
New Wave Love
Love Campaign
The Beauty Of Love
Love Will Hang Us All Out To Dry
Love Isn't A Crime... Yet
Foreign Love
Love Vixens
Love With A Twist Of Lemon
Missiles Of Love
I think some of these names will represent the storyline of the music video quite well because our video contains a twist ending so 'Love with a Twist of Lemon' could represent the twist in our storyline, however I still need to decide which one I am going to use.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Tuesday, February 01, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Album Name
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Opening Shots
Our opening to the video is going to be lots of different photos of a couple from a wedding album. The photos are in black and white with a pink background and they are going to be placed down onto the background with the first seventeen beats of the song:
Posted by Emily Bowe at Thursday, January 27, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Music Video Opening
Friday, 21 January 2011
Change of Narrative
We have decided to change our narrative due to the male actor that we needed for it, not turning up. So because of this we have made some adjustments to our narrative which is now about a transvestite getting ready to meet his girlfriend. We are going to keep this a surprise until the end, so to achieve this we need to show extreme close ups of the male putting on make up and getting dressed. We might do shots of the back of him too. He is going to be in a relationship with a girl even though he still dresses up as a girl. We thought this would be good to reflect the fact that people should not judge relationships.
For the performance part of the video we are going to have Michaela lip syncing in a dress with a white background. Then to contrast this we might have her dressed in jeans and a baggy jumper with a black background. This is because we want to hint our narrative to the audience so by having her dressed more girly for one bit and then dressed down and looking more like a boy in the next bit, this will hint to the audience what is going on, even if the audience does not get it. We also want to include the boy's transformation to a girl by showing him walking towards the camera and gradually changing. This will be done with editing which is similar to the Tia Maria advert below:
Posted by Emily Bowe at Friday, January 21, 2011 0 comments
Labels: Narrative
Thursday, 13 January 2011
Generic Conventions
I found this presentation on the website below which gives a definition of generic conventions of album covers:
Katy Perry's album cover for Teenage Dream is what you would call a typical Pop genre cover as it has bright, bold colours. Like the presentation above says; it also has a picture of the artist (Katy Perry) which indicates the fact that she is probably well known so her audience would want to pick it up straight away. She has blue/purple hair which again makes her and her music genre stand out.

In the background there are different colours merged together but these are not too bold in order to make Katy Perry stand out from the background. She is looking up at the album name which looks as if it is a sign of a bar or club as it is lit up. Her name is then underneath near her photo and it is in bubble writing, which has a glossy and shiny effect. Like the presentation above has indicated, there are similar colours used throughout. The artist's name is similar to the colour of her lips, again like the presentation above has indicated, which could suggest that most pop artist's use this effect in order to make a connection with their genre.
I think the audience of this album cover would be mainly a female audience as the colours used such as: pinks, purples, blues are all girly colours. The album name, 'Teenage Dream' could also suggest that the audience would specifically be aimed at teenagers. Her audience would probably like this cover as it is girly and the artist stands out so they can easily identify it.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Thursday, January 13, 2011 0 comments
Labels: CD Cover Research, CD Digipak
Saturday, 8 January 2011
Digipak Research
As shown above the digipak had a booklet included and a side that opened into a poster of the band.

4 panel 1 CD Digipak. Tray on right. 5.53" X 0.25" X 5": This is the size of the template above. I am still unsure of how many sides I want our digipak to be.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Saturday, January 08, 2011 0 comments
Labels: CD Digipak
Friday, 7 January 2011
Digipak Research
A digipack is a CD or DVD case composed of a polystyrene or polyethylene CD tray glued inside a cardboard cover. They are considered environmentally friendly compared to plastic jewel or even slim jewel cases. Any cardboard based CD-ROM/DVD case is referred to as a digipack.I think our digipak should be bold and colourful like the one above as it reflects our music genre. The one above has the name of the artist, plus a small photo of the artist in black and white which is a contrast to the bold colours in the background in order to make the artist stand out. The artist's name is a bigger font than the album name so it doesn't really stand out. I think this is a good idea as I like the name that we have for our band so I think it will look good in bold, big font.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Friday, January 07, 2011 0 comments
Labels: CD Digipak