I found this presentation on the website below which gives a definition of generic conventions of album covers:
Katy Perry's album cover for Teenage Dream is what you would call a typical Pop genre cover as it has bright, bold colours. Like the presentation above says; it also has a picture of the artist (Katy Perry) which indicates the fact that she is probably well known so her audience would want to pick it up straight away. She has blue/purple hair which again makes her and her music genre stand out.

In the background there are different colours merged together but these are not too bold in order to make Katy Perry stand out from the background. She is looking up at the album name which looks as if it is a sign of a bar or club as it is lit up. Her name is then underneath near her photo and it is in bubble writing, which has a glossy and shiny effect. Like the presentation above has indicated, there are similar colours used throughout. The artist's name is similar to the colour of her lips, again like the presentation above has indicated, which could suggest that most pop artist's use this effect in order to make a connection with their genre.
I think the audience of this album cover would be mainly a female audience as the colours used such as: pinks, purples, blues are all girly colours. The album name, 'Teenage Dream' could also suggest that the audience would specifically be aimed at teenagers. Her audience would probably like this cover as it is girly and the artist stands out so they can easily identify it.
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