? ??????????????Music Falls off the Page? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (32 Ratings)??6984 Grabs Today. 33392 To
tal Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????BoomBox? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (23 Ratings)??5347 Grabs Today. 24399 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Final Music Video



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Sunday, 10 October 2010

Wordle Feedback

This is a wordle of the feedback we got from giving our treatment presentation. Most of it was positive feedback with some things we could also improve. We can now use some of this feedback as a guideline when we are creating our storyboard and filming.