? ??????????????Music Falls off the Page? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (32 Ratings)??6984 Grabs Today. 33392 To
tal Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????BoomBox? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (23 Ratings)??5347 Grabs Today. 24399 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

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Thursday, 14 October 2010

Make Up

I found this in Woman's magazine and it is a guide to making smoky eye make up which I thought was a good guide to follow. It also tells you where you can buy the make up from. However I don't think we will be using the flick of the eyeliner.