We have finally thought of a name for our artist when we had a meeting yesterday. Our original ideas were:
1) Ohlala- this name seems modern and unique because it stands out and no other band has that name, however we did not choose this because it sounds more like a band name than an artist name

2) Iris- when we typed in unique girls names into Google this name came up and we liked the idea of it because it is unheard of so it would stand out
3) Pink Poison-we liked this idea because it sounded girly so it conformed to the Pop genre but it did sound more rocky than Pop, however we decided not to use this because it is already a known cheer leading group

Crystal Rocks- we have decided on this name because it has a first name and a second name which is like and artist name like 'Katy Perry'. It can also be spelt in different ways like rocks as 'Rox' but we haven't decided how to spell it yet. The name has two different meanings as well because one interpretation is the actual object a crystallised rock. The other interpretation is that the artist 'Crystal' is good so she 'rocks'. The name Crystal sounds glamorous because a crystal is sparkly and pretty so this conforms the the Pop genre.
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