Another video that we like that we want our video to be similar to is Taylor Swift's video 'Mine'. This storyline is kind of similar to ours in the way that the female character imagines everything that happens in the video to be real. We like what Taylor Swift is wearing in this video when she is sitting on the beach with her boyfriend. Some of the shots used are similar to what we want to use, for example when they are holding hands on the beach and sitting together on the beach.
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Music Video Ideas
Posted by Emily Bowe at Thursday, October 28, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Music Video Ideas
Camera Shot Ideas
Our group would like to use 17 shots for the first 17 beats of the song. These will be fast paced to fit to the music. Some of these shots include:
- Hands holding together
- Shadow of couple
- The couples feet together
- Hand in jean pocket
- Couple taking a picture of themselves (like this one)
- Boy tucking the girls hair behind her ear
- Back of the couple looking at the pier
- Sitting on the beach with his arm around her

At the beginning we were thinking of having a close up of the girls hand turning on the radio and that is how the music will start but we will have to see how this looks and experiment with it. After the 17 shots when the lyrics begin we want the girl to be in her bedroom where she may be putting her make up on. We might use an idea of the couple drawing a little face on their fingertips but we have not thoroughly thought this through yet because we need to see if it will work first.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Thursday, October 28, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Camera Shot Ideas
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Teenage Dreams
When we listened to the song we counted the beginning beats and found that there are 17 in total. Whilst listening to these we thought of some ideas that we should have 17 different shots for each of the beats and it will be really fast paced editing to fit to these beats. These shots will be of the couple but without showing their faces. However there could be some difficulty with this idea because of the amount of shots we are trying to fit in about 17 seconds. This could create some confusion to the audience because they may not be able to see what is in the shots because it would be so fast. So taking this problem into account we might make some adjustments. This will be instead of 17 different shots we might use one shot with a flash of another shot.
An example of how we want the 17 shots is in Rihanna's video 'Only Girl' (In The World)
Posted by Emily Bowe at Thursday, October 21, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Music Video Ideas
Chosen Artist Name
We have finally thought of a name for our artist when we had a meeting yesterday. Our original ideas were:

3) Pink Poison-we liked this idea because it sounded girly so it conformed to the Pop genre but it did sound more rocky than Pop, however we decided not to use this because it is already a known cheer leading group

Crystal Rocks- we have decided on this name because it has a first name and a second name which is like and artist name like 'Katy Perry'. It can also be spelt in different ways like rocks as 'Rox' but we haven't decided how to spell it yet. The name has two different meanings as well because one interpretation is the actual object a crystallised rock. The other interpretation is that the artist 'Crystal' is good so she 'rocks'. The name Crystal sounds glamorous because a crystal is sparkly and pretty so this conforms the the Pop genre.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Thursday, October 21, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Chosen Artist Name
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Last lesson we had a class discussion about how to improve our storyboards this year. We discussed the mistakes that we made last year with our storyboards and then said what we had learnt from storyboarding and filming last year:
- Needs to be precise otherwise there is a lack of continuity, lighting etc.
- Must follow it
- Actually do one
- Over film-easier for editing and can change point of view for variety of angles
- Change roles so everyone gets to film
- Detailed- have 3 different ideas for one line of lyrics
- Be organised
- Laminate it (incase it rains)
The last one is particularly important to our group because last year it rained whilst we were filming and our storyboard was ruined. We did follow our storyboard but not completely and we could have been more organised. So this year we are going to take all of those points on board so that we can be as organised as possible to ensure our music video is good.
We also made a list of things the storyboard needs to include to make it really good:
- An image of the shot
- An explanation of what happens in the shot in words- include facial expressions and character's movement
- Is the shot interior location or exterior?
- Bring all the equipment and make sure the camera is charged
- Include information about extras in the shot
- Props and costume in the scene
- Camera movements
- Angle of the shot
Posted by Emily Bowe at Wednesday, October 20, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Storyboarding
Band Brand Name Ideas

Posted by Emily Bowe at Wednesday, October 20, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Band Brand Name Ideas
Monday, 18 October 2010
Katy Perry Perfromance on Xfactor
This is Katy Perry's performance on the show Xfactor she performed a new song called 'Firework'. I thought this performance was good and it shows that she is quite a popular artist as she says at the end that her tour has already sold out. She recently judged on this show so she was nervous to perform to her fellow judges, but seeing as she gained a standing ovation she did pretty well. Katy Perry was interviewed on the Xtra Factor after her performance and she explained to the presenter that the Catherine wheel firework in the background was significance to her name as she is originally called Kathryn.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Monday, October 18, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Artist Researh- Katy Perry
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Katy Perry
Posted by Emily Bowe at Thursday, October 14, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Artist Researh- Katy Perry
Make Up
Posted by Emily Bowe at Thursday, October 14, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Costume and Make up
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Treatment presentation
Posted by Emily Bowe at Wednesday, October 13, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Treatment Presentation
Treatment document
Posted by Emily Bowe at Wednesday, October 13, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Treatment document
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Wordle Feedback
Posted by Emily Bowe at Sunday, October 10, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Feedback
Music Video Wordle
Posted by Emily Bowe at Sunday, October 10, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Music Video Wordle
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Costume and Make up
This make up is what we will use for the natural make up look when she is in her bedroom. Natural foundation and a bit of mascara.
Below is how we want her eye make up to be when she is in Brighton it will be a different setting to her bedroom. We also want the girl to stand out and we think by her having different make up and darker make up will do this.In her bedroom we want the girl to wear her pyjamas which will be pink to conform the the girlie Pop genre.
In contrast, we want the girl to wear a more 'rocky' outfit in Brighton because it will be her imagination of what she wants to be like and dress like, whereas in her bedroom it is the real her. So we want it to be a binary opposition when the location changes because as it changes she changes also.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Thursday, October 07, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Costume and Make up
Treatment Ideas
This is our brainstorm of ideas for our music video and our treatment. It includes ideas about costume, make up, location and the narrative. Setting it out like this really helped us think of lots of ideas and it also gave us a guideline to follow when we were creating our treatment presentation.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Thursday, October 07, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Treatment
Friday, 1 October 2010
Treatment definition
A treatment is a short outline of a media production designed to give a client or production team an overview of what production might include based on a brief. Treatments are written descriptions, but can also include sketches, mock-ups, images and other draft items designed to demonstrate the intention of production. It is often used to 'sell' an idea to a client.
Posted by Emily Bowe at Friday, October 01, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Treatment